Search Engine Optimisation is one good way for businesses to gain better visibility on search results of Google and other search engines. This is achieved by making the business website rank higher in the search results whenever keywords and search users enter phrases relevant to the business. There are various types of SEO techniques to increase the number of visitors to websites. The SEO experts say that you should be aware of all such types of SEO to make an informed decision about the nature of the SEO campaign you need.
White hat SEO
White hat SEO abides by all the Google search engine guidelines. Methods for white hat SEO includes high-quality content using relevant keywords obtained after proper research, incorporating links to other reputed sites with high domain authority, depending upon the quality of the content, architecture, etc., social media marketing to improve traffic and many others methods.
According to the SEO experts, White hat SEO takes some time to produce results, but the impact is long-lasting. This technique also carries no risk of the website getting downgraded or banned altogether when search algorithms are updated. Reputed SEO companies use white hat SEO because it produces positive results without violating guidelines. If you require affordable SEO services for your website, get in touch with the experts who deal with white hat SEO only!
Black hat SEO
Black hat SEO seeks to exploit the shortcomings in the search algorithms of Google and other search engines to obtain a higher ranking for the website in the search results pages. There are various methods of black hat SEO including keyword stuffing, plagiarised content, paid link building, incorporating popular but irrelevant keywords in the content, hidden text or link, different content for bots and humans(cloaking), link spamming and over-optimisation of HTML headings.
Black hat SEO gives quick results and also costs less because a number of shortcut methods are adopted. But this type of SEO is not beneficial in the long run. Since black hat SEO does not adhere to Google search engine guidelines, the website carries the risk of being downgraded or banned from search results if Google detects the violations when updating the search algorithm.
Grey hat SEO
Grey hat SEO is a middle path which is neither white nor black hat SEO. The methods used for grey hat SEO are not explicitly prohibited by Google search engine guidelines but are still not considered acceptable to earn traffic and leads. Such methods include clickbait content which is sensational, but irrelevant to the users, paid reviews, link exchanges and spun content.
Grey hat is offered as a cheap SEO solution by digital marketing companies because grey SEO methods do not cost much to the companies. Grey SEO can improve the search result ranking in the short run, but it will negatively affect the digital reputation of the business in the long run.
Ultimately, only White hat SEO will help your business in the long run. Get affordable SEO prices Sydney from the experts today!