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What Is SEO Score and What are the Factors that Affect It?

What Is SEO Score and What are the Factors that Affect It?

Evaluating your SEO can be tricky and hectic if you are new to this field. SEO score is a score given by any SEO checker tool that determines the quality of your websites SEO.

What Is SEO Score?

An SEO score is a score given to your website by any SEO checker tool that determines the quality of your website. The score value ranges from 0 to 100. If your score is between 100 and 70, it is considered to be a great score, if between 69 and 41, itโ€™s an average score, and if itโ€™s below 40, itโ€™s a poor score. If you are anywhere between 69 and 0, you must get help from an SEO company to get your score high. By this way, your SEO score will help you understand how well your website is optimised for search.

Some SEO checker tools provide additional scores for various SEO elements such as title tags, image optimization, and more.

Factors that Affect Your SEO Score

Page Speed

Did you know 83% of website visitors expects the webpage to load within three seconds or less? If your page takes more time to load, your users will give up and go to your competitors. Hence, page sped is considered to be one of the most crucial ranking factors. When calculating the SEO score, the SEO checker tools consider page speed as a primary ranking factor.

Optimising URLs

URLs tell the search engine about your pages and helps users navigate the website. URL optimisation is an essential factor that improves your search rankings. To optimise your website URL, you must consider the following factors:

  • Keyword usage
  • Top-level domain
  • Underscores

Implementing Right Title Tags, Meta Description, and Header Tags

Title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags are used to help search engine to understand your page better and show them in results. A good SEO checker tool analyses the length of the title tag, meta descriptions, and headers tags, and the keywords used in them.

Optimising Images

Image optimisation is an essential factor that helps search engine to understand your content better and help them to rank in image searches. The image file name and alt tags are analysed to determine the SEO score of your website.

HTTPS Migration

Your visitors arenโ€™t going to stay long on your website if your website isnโ€™t secure. This affects the search rankings and results in a drop in website traffic. To avoid this, embrace HTTPS migration that makes your site secure with a valid Secure Sockets Layer certificate.

Mobile Friendliness

With an increase in smartphone usage and the growing prominence of Internet traffic from mobile devices, Google now uses a mobile-first index, which means it evaluates pages from the perspective of a mobile user. So, itโ€™s essential to have a mobile-friendly website to get a good SEO score. Your website must have a responsive design, install tap targets, mobile viewport, and more.

So, what are you waiting for? Talk to the SEO experts now to finalise SEO packages in Sydney that goes well with your SEO plan and helps you in increasing SEO score.

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We will provide you with a no obligation SEO Quote with a 3 month scope SEO Plan carefully measured to your current website’s SEO score and industry.