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Parties plus
Parties plus approached Top SEO Sydney back when they were just launching the business. Back then, the business had just purchased a domain name and invested heavily in creating a new website, however no one was clicking through to it. What’s the point in creating the most beautiful website if no one is seeing it? Top SEO came to the rescue and were able to devise a cost effective solution that would ensure that the website started generating some traffic, but more importantly, conversions too.
in quality backlinks
in website ranking performance
Page 1 of Google
About the Company
The company, Parties Plus, has been established for over 13 years and has been rapidly growing since. They have a range of jukeboxes, frozen cocktail machines as well as heaters to ensure that their customers have a complete solution to their party needs. Customer service is their #1 priority. Their attention to detail, and well maintained array of products, ensures that clients have a great, stress free party.
The problem they had
As mentioned before, the company was struggling with getting any kind of visibility or traffic to their website. They had invested heavily in a website that was sure to be first in it’s class for user experience, mobile first, interactive and creative layout, however there was no one clicking through to the site aside from their family and friends. To reach the site, a new user had to type the URL exactly into the web address or go onto the 30th page of google in order to see the site.
How we solved this
We new straight away that Ads would be needed initially to help Doumit homes get some immediate conversions. What we didn’t want to do however is to fall into the trap that many companies face where they lie solely on ads for conversions. The end game of ads should always be to eventually build enough SEO credibility that you rank first for certain keywords and the conversions from those will cancel out the need for ads at all. As we ran both an ad words and SEO campaign, we quickly saw an increase in not only traffic, but also conversions. As we continue down this path we will set up Doumit homes with enough SEO presence to reduce their investment on google ads.
Top SEO takeaway
We aspire to service clients of all sizes as we are a strong believer of building a partnership with our clients. We grow, when you grow. When we partner with a company that we believe in, we offer scaled down and tailored packages to help facilitate the company’s foundation. With no-lock in contracts we are able to offer these clients the best recommended strategy on a month to month basis. This allows us to capitalize on peak periods and scale down if there are any budget restrictions.