30 Keywords on page 1
Australian Synthetic Lawns
Out of 1,140,000 results that appear for “synthetic lawns Sydney”, the second top ranking result is Australian Synthetic Lawns. Australian Synthetic Lawns’ team of experts has 15 years of experience in the industry. Each staff is highly trained in all aspects of synthetic grass installation, providing the best quality finish. As Top SEO specialises in understanding search engine algorithms, backlinking, keyword ranking, webpage design and many more to help businesses upgrade their digital marketing strategy, the firm partnered with us to provide a cost-effective and efficient way to gain visibility and rank higher in Google searches.
Keywords on page 1
Visibility increase
About the Company
Australian Synthetic Lawns is one of the experienced firms in the synthetic turfs industry providing quality products and services while placing a high value on customer service. Australian Synthetic Lawns also maintains their main goal to continue installing high-quality, long lasting, safe, and durable goods at affordable prices since they collaborate with some of the world’s largest and most respected manufacturers. With these, all of their products are put under extensive testing to verify that they met international safety and environmental requirements.
They also guarantee fair and reasonable quotes as quotations are done by properly qualified landscapers and installers, not by salesmen. As mentioned, the team has been in the field for 15 years. That is why Australian Synthetic Lawns assures that the repair will be free if the customers are not satisfied with the finished result.
The problem they had
When the synthetic lawn firm contacted us, they had too many leads to handle. Their previous marketing strategy is to run ads through Google Adwords or by acquiring advertising space directly on websites. Despite this, their visibility in searches is low and since Google Advertising is based on cost per click, it also accumulates and adds up on the advertising expenses.
How we solved this
After we identified the problem, we initially had to pause the ads due to many leads the firm was receiving. We wanted to maximise the firm’s budget that will actually bring results to them. To boost their visibility while decreasing the cost for the CPC, we carefully researched and learned the trending keywords for the Authentic Synthetic Lawns industry or element. We are also pleased to report that since the collaboration began and after implementing the strategy, the 30 keywords ranked first and the firm increased its visibility to 500% in various search engines while lowering their cost per lead to less than $40.00.
Top SEO takes pride in these achievements and assures that if you partner with us, we will be having our digital success as well.
Top SEO takeaway
We aspire to service clients of all sizes as we are a strong believer of building a partnership with our clients. We grow, when you grow. When we partner with a company that we believe in, we offer scaled down and tailored packages to help facilitate the company’s foundation. With no-lock in contracts we are able to offer these clients the best recommended strategy on a month to month basis. This allows us to capitalize on peak periods and scale down if there are any budget restrictions.