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Best SEO Sydney: Insights on Google Ads Image Extensions in 2021

Google Ads Image Extensions

With every update and tool Google ads into its engine, the best SEO agency Sydney will rush to know what changes, benefits, or even limits come with the updates. It doesn’t matter how small of a change, they need to note it – and such is the case for Google Ads Image Extensions.

Image extensions are one of the most recent types of ad extensions most SEO company in Sydney Australia make use of. Unlike other ad extensions that rely on text, image extensions can use the visual component to appeal to audiences to click or look up what the ad is about.

Setting up Google Ads image extensions can be rather simple for even the starter advertiser, as they can be applied within the same interface as other Google Ad extensions.

What’s so special about Google Ads image extensions?

The best SEO Sydney experts have noted that through ad extensions, you will be able to choose where the extension is applied – and this is the same for image ad extensions, as they can be placed in either campaign or ad group level.

When it comes to promoting the same product or service, the image is relevant to all in the campaign. SEO company in Sydney Australia experts say to apply it for a campaign – while for advertising different products and services that don’t align with the image, it’s best to set them to the ad group level.

Another thing to note for Google Ads image extensions is the specs and dimensions, something all best SEO agency Sydney advertisers note in any social advertising. There doesn’t need to be heavy use of crazy dimensions or even a plentiful size compared to  Google Display Network banners – all that’s needed, at least for image ad extensions, are top-performing social images.

Another benefit of these images is that the same image can be used for one or both ratios as long as the image is suited, with each ad group and campaign able to have 20 image ad extensions.

The performance?

For updated SEO company in Sydney Australia, advertisers, once image extensions are placed and out, their performance can be overseen at a ratio level within the ad extensions portion. This helps keep in track now only one image extension but a multitude depending on the ad level they were placed in.

Now, when someone clicks an image extension, the best SEO Sydney companies link them to an ad level landing page that aligns with the campaign structure or what was promised in the image. This is to ensure that once they have their interest piqued and clicked on the page, the potential customer won’t stray away from the business the next time they come across the as.

Some principles to keep in mind for Google Ads image extensions, according to the  best SEO agency Sydney advertisers, is to follow Google’s policy in image extensions, use a variety of images that garner attention but are also applicable to the campaign in mind, and also make those image extensions simple and clean – not noisy and difficult for potential customers to already get tired of by the sight of it.

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