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5 Easy Tips on How to Start Blogs From Scratch

5 Easy Tips on How to Start Blogs From Scratch

It can be challenging to start a blog from nothing because of the many different factors to take into consideration such as the branding, web design platform and the perfect name. It can be overwhelming at first, but this is completely understandable because you have not written anything yet. However, things can be much easier if you have already taken care of some tasks in the early parts of the journey. Here is a quick guide from leading web design Sydney experts on what to do when aiming to start a blog from scratch.

1. Start with a great idea

Everything begins with an excellent idea. Determine what you really love to blog about like finance, parenting, fashion or travel. After selecting a broader topic, the next thing to do is to narrow it down further to a smaller niche. Concentrate on a more particular area of the subject. A specific niche is better than a broad topic because it will enable you to win the interest of a specific audience. Once you have built trust and a following, you can now make your next move and branch out into broader subjects. If you need help or guidance, feel free to contact your local experts and learn more about the website design Sydney prices.

2. Make a list of things that you want to do

Creating a list can help you get organised so that you would not miss out on anything important to do. Because something is getting accomplished, crossing out items on the list provides greater satisfaction. As much as possible, try to make the items on the list more specific and more achievable. Once the list is set, put a deadline on each item to keep you on track on what to do next.

3. Select a powerful blog name that people can easily remember

According to some of the best website design Sydney experts, it can really help if you select a powerful and memorable name for the blog. Choose a name that is not very long but definitely original and easy to remember. Once you have made a decision, double check if the name is already taken using a domain name checker. Of course you would not like to end up choosing a perfect name and creating brilliant ideas about it, only to find out that it is already owned by someone else.

4. Choose the right platform and theme

A platform is important because this is where you will post everything. After selecting the best platform for your blogs, you need a theme that complements your content. When choosing one, ensure that it loads easily, optimised for mobile use and is very responsive.

5. Select a stunning design for the website

Website design is all about the good stuff. Be sure to come up with an engaging Home Page as well as a Contact Page where customers can easily find a convenient way to reach you. Create a good About Page where people can find everything they need to know about the nature of your business. Web design Sydney experts add that you also have to make a logo. For individuals with limited skills in terms of designing, using tools like Canva is really a big help.

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